Author: Don
Apologies; today's update is being posted a little late. But well worth waiting for, as Liss and Makona discuss the finer points of being a puppet, and Apocalyx Go finds himself in a zero gravity stand-off (float-off?), armed with only a tropical bird. It's this week's installment of!0
Shark Hunt
This week's update sees Makona pursuing Liss; the chase takes them somewhere unexpected. Put your own eyeballs on it at!0
Spring Madness!
Okay, I'm celebrating the first day of spring with a new update. How will Apocalyx Go deal with his new personal growth? By threatening it with firepower, of course. Check it out at
Puppets and Monsters and Weirdness, oh my!
Things get nasty in this week's update, as Liss and Apocalyx Go confront the intruders in an increasingly weird environment. See for yourself at
Ante Up
So I've committed fanfic once more. 1500 words on a poker game between Logan, Hellboy, Mick Rory, Nick Fury and Benjamin J. Grimm. Since I don't actually play poker, I may have screwed up some of the details. I would appreciate it if my poker-playing friends would do me the favor of reading it and telling me what I missed or got wrong. It's at Thanks!0
Puppets. Yeah, I said it.
This week's update introduces a nefarious pair of invaders, while Liss manipulates the environment around them. Holy hallucinogenic defenses, Batman! Er, Sharkman. Sharkwoman? BIG shoutout to @mjreid, who created the crocheted masterpieces. Follow him on Twitter!0
Puppets, Film Noir, and Impending Mayhem
Five page update this week: Nick ponders the implications of being roughed up, and Liss prepares to receive visitors by activating the Lookinglass's defences. Also, I'm really proud of the art in these panels; I know how crappy my visuals sometimes look, so when I manage to actually create something cool I feel the need to brag. This is me, bragging. Okay, I'm done. Check it out for yourself at