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Author: Don


Five New Pages!

(Grover arms flailing) HELLLOOOO EVERYBODDDDY! Happy Holidays to you! This week we have a bonus page, five instead of the usual four. Liss and Go take an idyllic river cruise, while ominous forces gather around them, preparing for war. WHAT THE HECK ARE THEY DOING ON A BOAT? CAN'T THEY FEEL ALL THE OMINOUS DOOMY FEELINGS? I think I have to go lie down. See what all the fuss is about at


Another Wednesday, another update. Framed for murder, Liss and Apocalyx Go . . .er . . . go. On the run. Talking bugs! Toothy portals! The mysterious appearance of a pineapple! See it all at now!

Wednesday CROSSOVER update

Today's update is brought to you by the letters W, T, and F. We find out what, exactly, a "Preality" is, Liss and Apocalyx Go return to their own bodies, and everything is fine. Oh, except for the horrible murder that they're about to be framed for. Hmm. And who WAS that guy in iDeal's body that shot Beacon in the head and blew up the headquarters of the World Wonders? Beats me--I just hang around here for the snacks. Ooh, look--adjectives! Pop in to to see what's going on.

New Fiction!

Well, I've gone and done it again. If you've ever wondered what Roy Batty and Data might talk about in a bar, wonder no more. Check out the conversation I overheard at And please reward my eavesdropping with kudos--this kind of undercover work is dangerous, you know.

Oh NO that robot does not look well

Time for another webcomic update! While Liss doorsteps her way to a rendezvous with Apocalyx Go in a Preality (whatever THAT is) all is not well with the thoughtbot recently inhabited by the lead singer of Dubious Abbatoir (the loudest rock band in existence). Well, nobody said joinriding was a safe way to get around the Anyverse. See the unfortunate results for yourself at and say Hi to Smilin' Stan if you see him--I miss that guy already.

Comic book geekery

I've committed fanfic once more. The Punisher poses a question to Batman: why doesn't he just kill that damned clown? Read Bruce Wayne's reply at Leave me a kudo if you like it.

Betwain a Rock Star and a Heard Place

A short update this time--only three pages--where a very confused superhero tries to figure out what's going on while Liss settles on a famous literary figure for her latest shapeshifted form. With Liss holding his body hostage, does Apocalyx Go have any choice but to . . . well, go? And where to? Last but not least, does Liss have to go as well, or is that trip to the bathroom just a flimsy excuse? For those who care, the superhero here is based on a guy in a swimming costume from 1920. Taken from a black-and-white film called WHY CHANGE YOUR WIFE, starring Harold Lloyd and Bebe Daniels; digitally altered by yours truly. All this, as usual, at

Nothing to see here. Move along.

Well, it's Wednesday again--funny how that seems to roll around every seven days or so. Probably just a coincidence. Anyway, the last week saw me bed-ridden with a terrible cold, which means . . . YOU GET AN UPDATE ANYWAY! Yes, I refuse to let a virus keep me from inflicting more webcomicness upon you all. Head on over to to find out why Liss looks like a weird monkey-frog thing--and it's not an illusion spell.

Universal Collaboration

Huzzah! It's Wednesday, and that means more new pages up Liss catches up to Apocalyx Go--but things aren't what they seem. And this panel features the first of my Anyverse collaborators, Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk. Lynne is multitalented artist, but these days she's concentrating on making robot sculptures out of upcycled materials. Her stuff often has a Steampunk feel, though the image I'm using here is of one of her earlier, more Atompunk works. There's a link to her Facebook page in the Author's comments on the bottom of the comic page; please, go check out her awesome stuff. This is an important day for me, because this is the first time I get to say, "Hey! Look! I'm helping to promote a creator I adore AND I get to play with her toys in my Anyverse! EVERYBODY WINS!" This is one of the central tenets of The Crossover; to help promote creative work other people have done while weaving those creations into my own crazy world. All of the previous creators I've gotten to collaborate with have been dead--kudos to those of you who spotted my casting of Harold Lloyd as Warlocke Holmes--but that's a trend I'd like to reverse. As the story progresses, I'd like to feature the work of costumers, jewelry-makers, writers, and other comic creators. I should add that creators retain all rights to their creations, and that my intention is to promote work you've already done, NOT to ask you to work for free. So drop by and pull up a barstool. Drinks are on me.

Fan Fiction

So, I've decided to try my hand at some fan fiction, with The Crossover bar as the setting. It seems like the natural place for people from different fictional universes to sit down and have a drink with each other. . . . my first offering is now up at, a short scene featuring a conversation between Tony Stark and . . . well, that would be telling. Drop by and let me know what you think. If you like it, apparently there are kudos to be handed out. I already have one. I would like another. Thank you.