Free Money! Or a Reasonable Facsimile thereof.

Hello everyone! THE CROSSOVER (thecrossover.thecomicseries.com) has launched and is doing well. Something I had printed up for the official launch party was a voting coupon you could use to influence which way the story goes; the current arc stops at a cusp point and asks my readers to make a choice. Biddding can be as little as twenty-five cents at a time, and only the winning bids are collected. The coupon was for FIVE WHOLE DOLLARS, which you can use toward any of your bids. But why let just the people who came to the party have all the fun? I'm going to publish the discount code right here, so that you can play too. The code is: AWNZ4NYMH7WG, and the voting site is at: https://the-crossover.myshopify.com. Code is usuable once per person.
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