Universal Collaboration
Huzzah! It's Wednesday, and that means more new pages up http://thecrossover.thecomicseries.com. Liss catches up to Apocalyx Go--but things aren't what they seem.
And this panel features the first of my Anyverse collaborators, Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk. Lynne is multitalented artist, but these days she's concentrating on making robot sculptures out of upcycled materials. Her stuff often has a Steampunk feel, though the image I'm using here is of one of her earlier, more Atompunk works. There's a link to her Facebook page in the Author's comments on the bottom of the comic page; please, go check out her awesome stuff.
This is an important day for me, because this is the first time I get to say, "Hey! Look! I'm helping to promote a creator I adore AND I get to play with her toys in my Anyverse! EVERYBODY WINS!" This is one of the central tenets of The Crossover; to help promote creative work other people have done while weaving those creations into my own crazy world. All of the previous creators I've gotten to collaborate with have been dead--kudos to those of you who spotted my casting of Harold Lloyd as Warlocke Holmes--but that's a trend I'd like to reverse. As the story progresses, I'd like to feature the work of costumers, jewelry-makers, writers, and other comic creators. I should add that creators retain all rights to their creations, and that my intention is to promote work you've already done, NOT to ask you to work for free.
So drop by and pull up a barstool. Drinks are on me.
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