Dixie Lyle
here's the link for the ebook: https://rb.gy/4n3ung
Dixie Lyle news
Hey, everyone--I have some Dixie Lyle writing news. My next Whiskey, Tango and Foxtrot mystery, PURRFECTLY DEAD, now has a tentative publishing date of May 2021. Quite a ways in the future, but I thought I would let people know. My publisher has read it and loves it, saying my fiction makes her "want to do a dance." High praise!0
Wednesday CROSSOVER update
Today's update is brought to you by the letters W, T, and F. We find out what, exactly, a "Preality" is, Liss and Apocalyx Go return to their own bodies, and everything is fine. Oh, except for the horrible murder that they're about to be framed for. Hmm. And who WAS that guy in iDeal's body that shot Beacon in the head and blew up the headquarters of the World Wonders? Beats me--I just hang around here for the snacks. Ooh, look--adjectives! Pop in to http://thecrossover.thecomicseries.com to see what's going on.2
Somewhat Big Announcement
I have a confession to make. No, it's not about that time in the hot tub, with the thing and the other thing. No, it's not about my addiction to old episodes of Mr. Dressup. It's not even about (redacted), because I'm waiting for the statute of limitations to run out on that one. It's that. . . I'm a Southern Belle. In a (mostly) literary way, I mean. I've never even been to Atlanta, let alone set it on fire. I rarely have affairs with handsome vampires, and I'm not all that fond of mint juleps. However. I am, in some circles, known as Dixie. Dixie Lyle, to be precise. And I have been known to write the occasional light-hearted paranormal mystery (well, paranormal cozy, to be honest) featuring witty banter amongst quirky characters, some of whom may be dead. Or talking animals. Or dead talking animals. I've been told the books are quite funny, usually after I buy the person in question a number of drinks. What's that? Oh, yes, it's a series: The Whisky, Tango and Foxtrot Mysteries. WTF for short, though I get the oddest looks when I mention that. The first one, A TASTE FUR MURDER, is doing quite well. If you'd like to check it out, the Kindle edition is on sale for the special price of $3.25, for the month of August only. It's a great beach read, but who reads e-books at the beach? Splurge and buy the print edition if you're going to go lie in the sun. Or get it from the library, I'm sure they have lots. Hmmm. I'm not very good at this promotion thing, am I? Oh, who cares. Just read, hopefully enjoy, and let me know what you think. Ta.18
Let’s start with some Good News, Bad News, shall we? The Good News is that Book Six of the Bloodhound Files, UNDEAD TO THE WORLD, is finished. The Bad News is, it looks like this is the final installment of TBF for the foreseeable future. Boo, I know.
But wait—there’s more Good News! I’ve just sold a brand-new series to St. Martin’s Press, and I’m hard at work on the first book. The series is called the WHISKY, TANGO AND FOXTROT MYSTERIES, and involves a team of paranormal sleuths that solve locked-room type mysteries. There’ll be lots of humor and the kind of banter you got in THE BLOODHOUND FILES, plus an interesting (and unique) take on the afterlife. Uh, afterlives.
Also, there will be monkeys.
Not just monkeys, either—all sorts of animals. You see, Whisky is the ghost of a dog, and Tango is a cat working on her seventh life. Foxtrot is the one who actually has to solve the crimes, but having a cat who speaks over three hundred animal languages (Okay, most of them are feline dialects) and a dog made of ectoplasm with access to a supernatural database of scents gives her some handy tools to work with. Too bad her day job is being the Gal Friday to an eccentric billionaire with a sprawling estate and a habit of inviting the most unusual people to stay with her.
And then there’s the pet graveyard next door . . .
No info yet on pub date for the first one, but I’ll keep you posted. Promise.
Welcome to the new Website!
Ain’t it all purty and stuff? Thanks very much to the amazing Travis Pennington for the great job he did. And now, let’s get this sucker rolling with my first blog post in a very long time.Let’s start with some Good News, Bad News, shall we? The Good News is that Book Six of the Bloodhound Files, UNDEAD TO THE WORLD, is finished. The Bad News is, it looks like this is the final installment of TBF for the foreseeable future. Boo, I know.
But wait—there’s more Good News! I’ve just sold a brand-new series to St. Martin’s Press, and I’m hard at work on the first book. The series is called the WHISKY, TANGO AND FOXTROT MYSTERIES, and involves a team of paranormal sleuths that solve locked-room type mysteries. There’ll be lots of humor and the kind of banter you got in THE BLOODHOUND FILES, plus an interesting (and unique) take on the afterlife. Uh, afterlives.
Also, there will be monkeys.
Not just monkeys, either—all sorts of animals. You see, Whisky is the ghost of a dog, and Tango is a cat working on her seventh life. Foxtrot is the one who actually has to solve the crimes, but having a cat who speaks over three hundred animal languages (Okay, most of them are feline dialects) and a dog made of ectoplasm with access to a supernatural database of scents gives her some handy tools to work with. Too bad her day job is being the Gal Friday to an eccentric billionaire with a sprawling estate and a habit of inviting the most unusual people to stay with her.
And then there’s the pet graveyard next door . . .
No info yet on pub date for the first one, but I’ll keep you posted. Promise.